damn it! i told you to SPARKLE!
So ten days since my last post... what can i say? Ive been taking it easy i guess. Oh well! Its CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS! I can afford to relax for a bit.
So here they are! These are the first renderings from my film! The first result of my texturing and lighting. All of the texture maps, bump maps, reflection maps, and transparency maps were painted by me in Open Canvas! Im gonna try to have most of my sets textured and lit by the end of the holidays. These renderings are from the subway/train station. The bottom two are the closest to the final product out of all of them. The rest are explorations to get to that final result. In the close up of the wall, you can see the changes i fooled around with in the tile floor. I plugged a "ramp" into the reflection output of the floor shader to make the floor most reflective when viewed at certain angles... its supposed to simulate the resinol effect that you sometimes see on certain surfaces.. i think i spelled that wrong... maybe. There are other things that i fiddled around with... but i dont want to bore you guys too much.
Look out for a more complete rendering!